Monday, December 03, 2018

Painter of loneliness

I had to paint loneliness yesterday too.
I painted it as a dark night.
A few stars wandered into the night;
A few birds too.
Princess Moon
Playing hide and seek in the clouds
Appeared anew at every sighting.
Atleast there was some one to talk to.
Eons passed.

Loneliness is pitch black.
It has smothered me with darkness
Of a dense forest.
Darkness too is a type of pain.
That's what one keeps hidden under the pillow 
many a night.
Howmuchever one hides it , 
It still diffuses across the entire room.

It's after midnight now.
I'm starting to paint loneliness as a day.
Some humans may wander into it.

My translation of A Nasbullah's Tamil poem

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