Sunday, September 16, 2007

Fluttering Butterflies

There are people who just walk into your life and out of it but leave indelible memories. The guy who was your batch mate for just three months in your first job and who shared your most intimate thoughts. The classmate whom you adored and who sat next to you till she dropped out. The roomie of your friend whom you thought embodied everything you wanted to be. The blogger whom you avidly read and maniacally followed till she vanished.

Today while listening to the song Devathayai Kanden from the movie Kadhal Kondaen a line from that song stood out, describing those above. The song was written in a different context, but for me it seems apt for those above.

ஒரு வண்ணத்துப் பூச்சி எந்தன் வழி தேடி வந்தது
அதன் வண்ணங்கள் மட்டும் இங்கு விரலோடு உள்ளது

A butterfly fluttered its way across my life
It's color alone is now left in my fingers as memories.


Pro Wrestling Fan said...

You can add one more thing to that list. The friend who borrowed money from you and vanished in thin air, only never to return. :(

ammani said...

Nice! However, your translation lacks its usual crispness. Slacking somewhere. Try this for size. Not there yet. Still...

A butterfly fluttered by my way
Its colours alone remain on my fingers

RS said...

Nice...quite difficult to capture the essence in another language...

A butterfly came searching for me (came flitting towards me?),
leaving wisps of colors lingering on my fingers...(mere wisps of colors stay back on my fingers?)

Anonymous said...

**The blogger whom you avidly read and maniacally followed till she vanished. **

Murakami kadhai heroine pol...

Anonymous said...

ammam -- the line is lyrical, but the butterfly would have died would it not?

adhanal as jikku would say Yeww........

Chenthil said...

Krishnan - I used Orkut to chase one such person, try your luck there :-).

Ammani - agree, CC has done a better job.

RS - true, translation is like transferring perfume from one container to another, I read somewhere.

Anon - are you the anon who was Dhoni's school mate? Welcome back if it is you.