As part of the Chennai Metblog team, we thought it would be a great idea to have an online list of Chennai Restaurants with reviews. The tech neanderthal in me proposed that we can have an excel sheet. Thankfully the idea was shot down by the geeks in the team. As we were trying out various online free tools (you think we would pay for anything?), our whizkid Krithiga created a nifty database out of Zohocreator. The link is hidden in the blogroll of the Chennai Metblog, hence this plug. All foodies out there, check out
Hitch Hikers Guide to Food in Chennai
We are addng up restaurants by the day, and hope to have a list of 100 restaurants in next 1 month (if not, then within next 1 year).
Hey this sounds cool, Good luck
Yes, tis cool thing wiz kid krithiga came up with this.
You guys should definitely have someone who edits the post, else it will be filled with junk/spam, just like the one i added now.
I do keep tabs of user entered data, so no worry. Your entry was deleted.
Chenthil & Krithiga,
Where/whom do I send in comments or suggestions for the database?
DNA: If your query pertains to the database then send it to me at:
If it's about the restaurants, then hit Chenthil with it.
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