Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Secret Diary of a Senator's Intern

A junior level staff assistant in a U.S. Senator's office. 24, good looking, doesn't worry about sleeping her way to success. She maintains a secret diary, which is exposed one day to the world. She decides to come out in the open and gets a fabulous book deal.

No this is not yet another book review, this is happening in real life. And the reason it interests me is instead of a diary, she maintained a blog, yes a blog. It was (not online any more, has been pulled out). Read the sordid details in Washingtonienne Archives (via .

CCG, I think it shows how important blogging is becoming in the real world :)


Ravages/CC said...

Which I made out a long time ago.
BTW - WHy do I have to have a Blogger account to comment.
You dont want my comments or what?

Anonymous said...

Setting has been corrected, your comments are welcome :)