Friday, August 29, 2008

A bibliophile's dream

I believe that to lend a book is an incitement to theft.. So true, I have been the aggressor as well as the victim of that crime.


Anonymous said...

wonder how they will read those huge ones on the floor. for a moment, i thought they were tastefully designed couches. :-/

Krishnan said...

Reminds me of Borges' quote “I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.”

Chenthil said...

TAK- do click that photo and read the article.

Krishnan - this library belongs to Alberto Manguel, who wrote a delightful book on Borges, title With Borges. Chandrahas chaudhury wrote about it.

Lg said...

Err...btw, your books...I still have them!

Chenthil said...

Lavanya - well, I too have you books, so we are even I guess. Care to exchange them some time in Ocotber?