Monday, May 02, 2005

Grey Goose

Grey Goose is costlier than other vodkas, smells great, is very smooth and is best when had neat. When you have it as a cocktail, it is almost invisible, but starts working into you slowly. 2005 is turning out to be a great year for me, first I tasted Stolichnaya, now Grey Goose. What next?


OJ_Audet @ said...

I recommend the Smirnoff Vanilla at Krib's house. Here's a ranking of vodkas. I've got 3 Olives in my freezer.

Chenthil said...

OJ, I have googled a lot and found that there are sites which rank GG as the best and those that rank GG as the worst. But from my experience I can say that Absolut / Smirnoff is better in cocktails and GG is better straight. And when am I getting to taste the 3 olives?

F e r r a r i said...

Did you try out the various varieties in Smirnoff? Raspberry citrus and orange?

Abosult vodka is amazing. Did you try the vanilla flavor?

Chenthil said...

I have had Smirnoff plain, but not the other flavors. In Absolut, I have tasted Absolut Citron. I have a long way to go, I guess.

F e r r a r i said...

Romba dhooram vendaam sir. Cross jolarpettai. You will get all these stuff :-)
I didnt know a better way to invite you to bangalore :-)